Monday, October 8, 2007

Our Smart Girl

A proud day today...Siobhan received an Academic Achievement Award for her excellent performance.

On her final report card for 7th grade, she had to have at least two A's in her core classes and no other grade lower than a B. She received an Honor pin as an award for achieving this goal. The ceremony at the school was many kids doing well...just over fifty of her classmates were honored for their excellent grades (there are about 200 students in her grade).

We're really happy that she's done so well at her new school and we know she will keep up the good work this year in 8th grade.

Oh! And we finally got one of those "My Child Is An Honor Student..." bumper stickers. I've been wanting one since she was in kindergarten. Yeah!


Grandmama said...

Wow-Siobhan I am so proud of you! And I get bragging rights cuz I'm your Grandmama!!

bec said...

Yeah! Grandma's BLOGGING!

The family said...

Hello again family!
Great to hear from you . I really hope we can connect in December. Please let me know when you are coming. My levi's email is the same (rkonte).
I got so inspired about you family blog, that after seeing yours I spent every night, (when I could not sleep because of jet-lag) on my trip to Tokyo, creating our blog. Lots of fun. I am still not as organized as you guys, but it will come.

Take care and keep in touch. The Konte family is looking forward to see you in December.

best regards

Rachel Konte

Pete (Bib# 70) Hagen said...

Congratulations to Siobhan on her academic achievement!! It's rare that someone so young (relative to our age) realizes the importance and value of a good education - I know you're all so proud of her!! She's going places!!!

Did you say if that bumper sticker came with a minivan? :)

(the only people that are annoyed by "Honor" bumper stickers are those who can't sport one!)

bec said...

Thanks, minivan...still rockin' the VWs. Even though we live on Lexus Lane! :)

Pete (Bib# 70) Hagen said...

He - He !!!