Sunday, March 21, 2010

Heart Bubbles

I intended to make a simple stacked coins pattern, using scrappy pink & mint fabrics with white strapping & border. I thought I would like the way the color fabric strips kind of pop up from the white background. But after I finished the piecing, I thought it looked a little boring. So I appliqued hearts on it, using a light pink voile, wonder-under and a decorative heart machine stitch. Now I love it! I think the hearts look like bubbles or balloons floating in the sky.

Lily Cat

Lily is one year old now. Since her first day in our house, she's loved to sit in the windows. She has a little bed on top of one of the radiator covers, which was her favorite nap place all winter long. I wish I had such a warm cozy spot for napping!
Her coloring has changed a lot. She's become much more grey than when she was a baby, especially her ears, face and tail. She has a funny little white lightening bolt between her eyes and white paws, but other than that, she's mostly grey.