Sunday, July 13, 2008

Front Yard

Well, the backyard has received a lot of blog attention this year, but the front hasn't been entirely ignored. I went for a purple and yellow scheme this year, thinking the daylilies that I scavenged from MN last summer would be yellow. But then the Minnewaska Daylilies (my special name for them) finally bloomed and surprise(!) they are orange.
Also this year, I planted Petunias in the window box. Both the wave kind (white with dark purple centers) and super-sized white ones. Last year's crazy Nasturtium got so out of control and crowded everything else. So far the petunias are behaving themselves and sharing nicely with the Verbena and Sweet Peas. I also popped in some of mom's Inch Plant cuttings, which are starting to trail down.
I also planted some sunflower seeds against the wall on the far left. They have sprouted nicely, but have a ways to go. I hope they blossom. Think they'll be really cute between the window box and the drain spout.
Lastly, in the foreground of the daylily picture, I have a little box of ivy which are also from mom's cuttings. I think it's Swedish Ivy. Figure if it spends the summer outside it'll be big and strong to bring indoors this fall. So far, so good. (am doing the same things with mom's spider babies...they're in a pot on the backyard table).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your plantings look really good. Nice to see the daylilies made the trip.

I couldn't see the sunflowers. The ivy is doing well. Need a closer shot for the inch plant. If you need more, I'm ready to cut it back again !

Talk to you this weekend !