Friday, May 16, 2008

Six Quirks for Shannon

Link the person who tagged you in your title.
Mention the rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag fellow bloggers by linking them.
Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

my quirks...which, by the way, were very difficult to limit to six...

1. I do not like overhead lights. They make me cranky.

2. I like to have the shower curtain closed at all times. This is ironic because Henry is afraid to be in the bathroom when the curtain is closed, so we have a constant open/closed 'situation' going on.

3. I can't stand to have wrinkles or 'loose toes' in my socks. If this happens I can't concentrate on anything until my socks are straightened out.

4. I can't relax if I'm in a room with misplaced furniture. This includes furniture that's pushed up against the walls, imbalanced positions, crooked pictures, etc. Maybe I was a Feng Shui master in a past life?

5. Like Shannon, I can't stand to drive or ride in a dirty car. I, too, feel 'trapped in filth' (great description!).

6. Another sock thing: I do not like to match socks when folding the laundry. There are many, many un-paired clean socks in the bottom of all of our laundry baskets. When my mom visits, she always matches all of the stray socks (yeah, mom)!
