Dwight and Henry's team played the Lookouts in the first round on this drizzly Saturday morning. At the bottom of the third inning, with one out, the Blue Claws were up 6-2. But then the rain finally poured down. The ump delayed the game, but with the field getting more and more wet, he eventually had to postpone it. So they'll play again tomorrow afternoon, picking up where they left off. Hopefully, they can keep up the high energy and great momentum that they had going today.
Because of the rain, I only took a few photos and a little video. The video is fuzzy, but I'm going to post it anyway...because Henry gets a double with bases loaded for 3 runs batted in.
A rare glimpse of Henry's face in his catcher's gear.
Happy Coach Dwight.
Fuzzy video of Henry hitting a double with bases loaded. Notice his unusual batting stance? Here's a photo of the same posture...in 2nd grade.