Sunday, April 5, 2009

Remember That Attic Project?

Seems like so long ago that I posted the original attic re-do pictures. Well, it's been pretty much 'done' for the past few weeks, but finishing touches like curtains kept me from taking photos. Today, I feel it's in good enough shape to post. Voila!

Main Room / BEFORE

Main Room / AFTER

Stairs / BEFORE

Stairs / AFTER
Bargains everywhere...Ikea tables and lamp, Jennifer Leather chair and going out of business Circuit City CD player!

Thank goodness for Ikea.
The cutest curtain fabric ever.
Finally, a place for Dwight's Black GI Joes.
Vintage GI Joe capturing a gorilla.

Henry's lovely tree painting.


Shannon said...

I love it!!!!
ha...funny, I've never seen black GI Joes until now. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love it Beck. You did a great job. I also like the curtain fabric and Henry's tree is perfect for the 'tree' theme..

I have to look again. Mom