Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Trip to Mars

There's a restaurant in New York called Mars 2112. Henry's wanted to go since we moved here. So, last night, we finally went. It's near Times Square, so (big surprise) it's a total tourist trap. There is a fake spaceship that you have to 'ride' to enter the restaurant. It would be really scary if you're four years old. And the recorded voice of the space journey guide had a very heavy southern accent. Guess he's from southern Mars.

Inside the restaurant, all of the lighting is red, so we knew we had arrived on The Red Planet. Or an Amsterdam brothel.
Anyway...our waiter's name was Captain Dennis. He was very nice as he served our over-priced touristy food.
The worst part? The carpeting was so sticky that I had a hard time keeping my flip-flops on. In addition to overall stickiness, there were gobs of gum everywhere. Or maybe they were some sort of Mars blobs. Perhaps it's an early life form that was discovered by the Probe on the last Mars mission. But really, I think they just don't have carpet cleaners yet on Mars.
One good thing? Since it's a tourist place, I didn't feel weird taking photos.
Second good thing? Henry finally got to go to Mars 2112. And we never have to go again.

The top pix are without flash...so you get the full RED PLANET effect. The bottom ones are with flash to capture all of the details. I almost took a picture of the carpeting...but decided I really didn't want to see that much detail afterall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not exactly the review Mars 2112 would want to read, but very funny and a typical Hawkins family outing. The photos are great. Dwight, I think I have a photo of you and Goofy at Disneyland with the same silly face !

Waiting for the backyard update-love all Grandma