Saturday, June 14, 2008

Patio Progress: Complete!

Okay, so it took longer than expected (running out of bricks didn't help...and then the 2nd shipment of bricks were not the same color as the 1st shipment, so we (I) had to re-position many bricks in order to blend the bricks...Dwight thought I was crazy...or should I say "thinks"), but we finished the patio! We have a lot more to do in the yard, but we're so glad phase one is complete. This was a heavy-lifting job and the heat wave hit NJ at the worst possible patio-building time. Still have to finish nudging the sand so it gets in-between the bricks instead of stuck in all the nooks and crannies ... one drawback about the uneven re-claimed bricks. I was hoping the recent rainstorms would help out with that, but no such luck.


J. Shea Stanley said...

Looking good. SHould ya'll get an itch to head south and partake of another such project, I've got a backyard just waiting to be patio-ed.

Anonymous said...

Looks great guys...hey, Dwight I know about that 'craziness' of everything being just so...from wrinkles in the socks to lint between the toes to shopping for underwear with perfect stitching...I feel for you but isn't it worth it - perfection ! (again)

Guess who's Mom !