Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Spring! Yeah! Spring!

Last week when Mom sent Henry's birthday gifts, she also included some cuttings of her houseplants. I popped them into water right away and so far, so good. All are starting to root and hopefully will make it. I read that palms and spider plants are the best houseplants for detoxifying and re-oxygenating indoor air. If they 'make it', Mom's baby spiders will help clear the funky air in the Hawkins house. And the viney ones will make nice filler in the window box.

The other plant project I have going is for the outside flowerbed. Like last year, I started flowers from seeds in my makeshift kitchen 'greenhouse' (a table over the radiator by the window). So far, most of them are doing okay. I lost a few...some just grow like crazy and then wilt away suddenly (you can see one pot of morning glories in the photo with some straggly skinny dead-ish things in it. I don't know why that happens.
But overall I think this year's success rate will be pretty good. I'm going to wait a few more weeks before moving them outside. I also have some seeds to sow directly in the ground. Maybe the morning glories will work better that way. I think I'll have them climb up the light post and the mailbox pole. Sounds cute, doesn't it?